Challenge 2, ni tofauti kidogo, this one is about real stories that are inspirational, of challenges you have overcome and defied the odds, life issues you have dealt with, ama story umepitia inayoweza kuencourage msee mwingine.
We would like to hear your compelling stories that show a great sense of either Courage, Freedom, Victory or Wisdom. Do you have such a story on how you have dealt with one of the following; unemployment, finance and investments, betting addiction, mental health, relationships and teenage pregnancies?
Ordinary Kenyans, igniting their inner fires to light the path
Kenya is full of unique stories of everyday struggles and how these challenges were overcome through Courage, Freedom, Victory and Wisdom. We want to hear your story of how you managed to defy the odds in one of the following areas;
1. Unemployment
Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges faced by young people. Tell us your story on how this has affected you and how you have navigated your way into gainful engagement.
2.Finance and investment
Lack of knowledge in financial management and poor investment decisions has led to shattered dreams and hopelessness.
Tell us how you emerged from such challenges to success in planning and investing your finances.
3. Addictions; Betting, drugs, alcoholism, social media or pornography
Addiction has been rife among young people, a vice attributed to the experimental nature of young people. What is your addiction story and how did you manage to overcome these vices.
4. Mental Health
Due to the stressful nature of life, mental health has become a key concern in the 21st century. What is your mental health story and how are you coping, managing and overcoming?
5. Relationships
Relationships are a fundamental part of life. Some work, some don’t while some turn out to be toxic making them unhealthy, dangerous and at times manipulative.
Tell us how you successfully emerged from a toxic relationship or how you are managing being in it.
6. Teenage pregnancy
Sexual consent age in Kenya is currently at 18 years, however statistics indicate that adolescents are engaging in sexual activities way before they turn 18. This has resulted to a high rise of teenage pregnancies across the country. Tell us how you became a teenage mother or father and how this situation impacted your life and how have you overcome?
Yes, if you are;
1. Kenyan
2. Aged between 15-30 years
Step 1:
Record yourself on a video that’s not more than 2 minutes talking about your success story demonstrating courage, victory, freedom, wisdom in one of the above areas; Career, relationship, Teenage pregnancy, Mental Health, Finance & investment, addictions such as betting, drugs, alcoholism, social media, or unemployment.
Step 2:
Upload the video Here;
Submission starts 22nd March to 31st May.
Term and conditions apply. For more details follow our social media pages @washanjia on all platforms.
*By taking part in this challenge you are agreeing to Washanjia’s Challenge Terms and Conditions, together with the Privacy Policy.
The shortlisting will be done based on how best you tell your story, video/audio quality and creativity. Shortlisted nominees will be announced via our social media pages after which they will be open for voting on social media. The 3 best items in the various categories will be awarded.
Winner – Ksh. 50,000
First runner up – Ksh. 30,000
Second runner up – Ksh. 20,000
All other shortlisted contestants – a certificate of participation
If you think you are upto the challenge, basi, let’s get started.
Washa Njia is a youth platform brought to you by The Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication. Visit Website.
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